Ashley&peyton Jordan & Amber Nielsen - Online Memorial Website

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Ashley&peyton Nielsen
Born in Illinois
1 day
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hana little girls January 8, 2008
I'm so very sorry for the loss of your precious little girls... I was a preemie myself (born at 29 weeks)  - 27 years ago - though sometimes I feel selfish now for being fortunate enough to survive when others are lost.

I wish you peace in your futures, peace in your hearts, and the comfort of knowing that your beautiful little ones are waiting for you in heaven.

God Bless.
Althea AngelMoms November 29, 2007
Its been some time since I have visited angel moms. Today my heart told me to go there to visit my sons page.  I came across yours and the tears began to flow as if it were my own loss all over again! Its been nearly 4 years since the lose of my son George, and we have went on to have a healthy baby boy.  There's a gaping hole still in my heart that feels like the size of the grand cannon!  Hunny, this will be a very long road for you, its a pain that I can't say will ever go away!  Please if you need to talk you can find me at or  Your not alone in your time of grief and there are millions of women out there just like you, who needs someone who understands!  By the way THOSE ARE SO GEORGOUS LITTLE ANGELS! HUGS
Amanda My prayers are with you. September 18, 2007

I don't know you but I saw your page and it touched me so very much, so close to home. My best friend and her husband had been trying forever to have a child. This february she became pregnant and at 20 weeks learned she was having twins. Identical twin girls. But they suffered from twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome and at 25 weeks she lost one daughter in utero and soon thereafter gave birth to her other daughter, who is still in the nicu, where she has been for three months already and she's just getting to 3 lbs. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. I can only imagine.

Take care,

May God take you in his arms and give you the strength to carry on.

Rebecca (Angelmoms) HUGS August 11, 2006
This is a beautiful site to remember your sweet little girls! Each time I read a story like yours, it takes me back to my own loss. I too know your pain and I wish that no one would ever have to go through sucha a heartbreaking experience. Just know you are not alone...and if you ever need to talk, vent, or just can contact me at anytime! You are in my thoughts and prayers. Love fellow anglemom,

~Rebecca~ GabrielsMommy
Donna Angel Mom to Owen White August 10, 2006

I am so sorry for the loss of your babies. I know that it is so hard to believe that good people must endure such pain. I lost my first baby, Owen, at 40 wks 4 days on August 1, 2005. It has just been a year and still feels like yesterday. The pain is not as bad but its still there. It will be forever, but you will get to a place where you can at least make it! I promise. I was numb for a long time after losing Owen. I still have alot of bad days but they are not as many as they once were. I am available to talk anytime at It helped me to talk to those who had been there. My baby's site is  if you would like to visit. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers! I don't know if you are religious but it helps me a little to know that at least Owen is safe in Heaven if he can't be with me! And now he has to sweet little girls to play with. Some days thats all that keeps me going.

Thinking of You,


debbie angel coreys mummy little angels August 10, 2006
What a beautiful tribute to your little ones. stay close to mummy and daddy. go and play with corey on the streets of gold.sleep tight.
Donna Adkins angelmom to Paul August 10, 2006
Sweet lil angels! I`m so sorry for your loss!! I know they are in heaven and will look after their mommy and daddy forever!! Bless you both! Sending big hugs Donna angelmom to Paul.
Charity M Precious angels August 10, 2006
My heart goes out to you and your whole family. You have some very pretty lil babies. They are watching over you from heaven above. Sweet angels make sure that you wrap your angel wings around your mommy and daddy during this hard time. Sleep tight precious angels. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily.
Tammy S (angelmoms) Sweet angels August 10, 2006
My heart goes out to your hole family. You have some very pretty baby's and they are watching over you each and every day. You all are in my thoughts and prayers..Take Care Tammy S mommy to angel Cobey
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